[5] Between the Chelonatas and Cyllene the river Peneius empties itself, and that also called by the poet Selleis, which flows from the mountain Pholoe. On this river is situated Ephyra, a city to be distinguished from the Thesprotian, Thessalian, and Corinthian Ephyras; being a fourth city of this name, situated on the road leading to the Lasion seacoast, and which may be either the same place as Bœonoa, (for it is the custom to call Œnoe by this name,) or a city near this, distant from Elis 120 stadia. This Ephyra seems to be the reputed birth-place of Astyochea, the mother of Tlepolemus, the son of Hercules,
(for this was the principal scene of the adventures of Hercules; at the other places called Ephyra, there is no river Selleis;) hence came the armour of Meges,“ Whom Hercules brought from Ephyra, from the river Selleïs;1
”Il. ii. 650.
from this Ephyra came also mortal poisons. For Minerva says, that Ulysses went to Ephyra“ Which Phyleus formerly brought from Ephyra, from the river Selleis;2
”Il. xv. 531.
And the suitors say of Telemachus; “‘Or he will go to the rich country of Ephyra to bring back poison de- structive of our lives.’4” And Nestor introduces the daughter of Augeas, king of the Epeii, in his account of the war with that people, as one who administered poisons: “‘I first slew a man,5 Mulius, a brave soldier. He was son-in-law of Augeas; he had married his eldest daughter; she was acquainted with all the poisons which the earth brings forth.’” There is also near Sicyon a river, Selleis, and a village of the name of Ephyra near it; and a village Ephyra in the territory of Agræa in Ætolia, the people of which are called Ephyri. There are also other Ephyri among the Perrhæbi near Macedonia, who are Crannonians,6 and the Thesprotic Ephyri of Cichyrus, which was formerly called Ephyra.“ In search of a mortal poison wherewith to anoint his arrows:3
”Od. i. 261.