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Next to Lampsacus is Abydos, and the intervening places, of which the poet speaks in such a manner as to comprehend both Lampsacene and some parts of Pariane, for, in the Trojan times, the above cities were not yet in existence: “‘those who inhabited Percote, Practius, Sestos, Abydos, and the famed Arisbe, were led by Asius, the son of Hyrtacus,’1” who, he says, “‘came from Arisbe, from the river Selleïs in a chariot drawn by large and furious coursers;’” implying by these words that Arisbe was the royal seat of Asius, whence, he says, he came, “ drawn by coursers from the river Selleis.

” But these places are so little known, that writers do not agree among themselves about their situation, except that they are near Abydos, Lampsacus, and Parium, and that the name of the last place was changed from Percope to Percote.

1 Il. ii. 835.

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