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It is situated below Mount Telethrius, at a place called Drymus, near the river Callas, on a lofty rock;1 whence perhaps because the Ellopians, the former inhabitants, were a mountain tribe,2 the city had the name of Oreus. Orion, who was brought up there, seems to have had his name from the place. But according to some writers, the Oreitæ, who had a city of their own, being attacked by the Ellopians, migrated, and settled with the Histiæans, and although it was a single city it had both appellations, as Lacedæmon and Sparta were the same city. We have said, that the Histiæotis in Thessaly had its name from the people who were carried away from this country by the Perrhæbi.

1 Livy, b. xxxi. c. 46.

2 διὰ τὸ ὀρείους εἵναι.

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