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[2] The nations between the Garonne and the Loire annexed to the Aquitani, are the Elui,1 who commence at the Rhone. After these the Vellæi,2 who were formerly comprehended amongst the Arverni,3 but now form a people to themselves. After these Arverni come the Lemovices,4 and Petrocorii,5 and after them the Nitiobriges,6 the Cadurci,7 and the Bituriges,8 surnamed Cubi. Along the ocean we meet with the Santoni, and Pictones,9 the former dwelling by the Garonne, as we have stated, and the latter by the Loire. The Ruteni and the Gabales10 are in the vicinity of the Narbonnaise. The Petrocorii and Bituriges-Cubi possess excellent ironworks, the Cadurci linen-factories, and the Ruteni silver- mines: the Gabales likewise possess silver-mines. On certain amongst the Aquitani the Romans have conferred the rights of Latin cities; such for instance as the Auscii, and the Convenæ.
1 The inhabitants of Vivarais.
2 The inhabitants of Vélai.
3 The inhabitants of Auvergne.
4 The Limousins.
5 The inhabitants of Périgord, Agénois, Querci, and Berri.
6 The inhabitants of Périgord, Agénois, Querci, and Berri.
7 The inhabitants of Périgord, Agénois, Querci, and Berri.
8 The inhabitants of Périgord, Agénois, Querci, and Berri.
9 The inhabitants of Saintonge and Poitou.
10 The inhabitants of Rouergue and Gévaudan.
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- Cross-references to this page
- The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, CEILHES Canton of Lunas, Hérault, France.
- Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page
- LSJ, Λάτιον
- LSJ, λι^νουργ-εῖον
- LSJ, σι^δηρουργ-εῖον