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At Meroe and Ptolemais1 in the Troglodytic the longest day consists of thirteen equinoctial hours. These cities are at nearly equal distances between the equator and Alexandria, the preponderance on the side of the equator being only 1800 stadia. The parallel of Meroe passes on one side2 over unknown countries, and on the other3 over the extremities of India.4 At Syene, and at Berenice, which is situated on the Arabian Gulf and in the Troglodytic, at the summer solstice the sun is vertical, and the longest day consists of thirteen equinoctial hours and a half, and the whole of the Greater Bear appears within the Arctic Circle, with the exception of his thighs, the tip of his tail, and one of the stars composing his body. The parallel of Syene traverses on one side5 the portion of Gedrosia occupied by the Ichthyophagi, and India; and on the other side6 the countries situated south of Cyrene by rather less than 5000 stadia.

1 This town was sometimes called Ptolemais Epitheras, having been built by Eumedes in the reign of Philadelphus for the chase of elephants and other wild animals.

2 On the west.

3 The east.

4 About Cape Comorin.

5 The east.

6 The west.

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