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At the mouth of the Dniester there is a tower called the Tower of Neoptolemus, and a village called Hermōnax.1 As you sail up the river 140 stadia, there are cities on both sides; the one is Niconia,2 and that on the left Ophiussa.3 Those who dwell on the spot say that the city is but 120 stadia up the river. The island of Leuce4 is distant from the river's mouth a course of 500 stadia; it is quite in the sea, and is sacred to Achilles.

1 Now Akkerman.

2 Gossellin could not identify Niconia with any modern town. Groskurd marks it as destroyed.

3 Groskurd identifies this with Palanka.

4 Groskurd calls this Ilan-Adassi, or Schlangeninsel. Gossellin likewise translates Ilan-Adassi as ‘Isle of Serpents.’

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