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Mallus is followed by Ægææ, a small town1 with a shelter for vessels; then the Amanides Gates, (Gates of Amanus,2) with a shelter for vessels. At these gates terminates the mountain Amanus,3 which extends from the Taurus, and lies above Cilicia towards the east. It was successively in the possession of several tyrants, who had strongholds; but, in our time, Tarcondimotus, who was a man of merit, became master of all; for his good conduct and bravery, he received from the Romans the title of King, and transmitted the succession to his posterity.

1 Ajas.

2 Demir-Kapu.

3 The ridge extending N. E., the parts of which bear various names, Missis, Durdan-dagh, &c.

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