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From the song, the rhythm, and the instruments, all Thracian music is supposed to be Asiatic. This is evident also from the places where the Muses are held in honour. For Pieria, Olympus, Pimpla, and Leibethrum were anciently places, and mountains, belonging to the Thracians, but at present they are in the possession of the Macedonians. The Thracians, who were settled in Bœotia, dedicated Helicon to the Muses, and consecrated the cave of the Nymphs, Leibethriades. The cultivators of ancient music are said to have been Thracians, as Orpheus, Musaus, Thamyris; hence also Eumolpus had his name. Those who regard the whole of Asia as far as India as consecrated to Bacchus, refer to that country as the origin of a great portion of the present music. One author speaks of ‘striking forcibly the Asiatic cithara;’ another calls the pipes Berecynthian and Phry- gian. Some of the instruments also have barbarous names, as Nablas, Sambyce,1 Barbitus,2 Magadis,3 and many others.

1 Nablas and Sambyce are Syriac words. Atheneus, b. iv. c. 24.

2 The invention of Anacreon, according to Neanthus Cyzicenus.

3 Athenæus, b. xiv. c. 8, 9.

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