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[7] This, then, is the general account of the country of the Acarnanians and Ætolians. We must annex to this some description of the sea-coast and of the islands lying in front of it. If we begin from the entrance of the Ambracian Gulf, the first place we meet with in Acarnania is Actium. The temple of Apollo Actius has the same name as the promontory, which forms the entrance of the Gulf, and has a harbour on the outside. At the distance of 40 stadia from the temple is Anactorium, situated on the Gulf; and at the distance of 240 stadia is Leucas.1
1 Santa Maura.
The Geography of Strabo. Literally translated, with notes, in three volumes. London. George Bell & Sons. 1903.
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References (2 total)
- Cross-references to this page
- The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, AKTION later AKARNANIAN (Akri) Greece.
- Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page
- LSJ, προσ-ληπτέον
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