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He tells us that the people who dwell under the parallel of the Cinnamon Country, which he places at 3000 stadia south of Meroe,1 and 8800 [north] of the equator, live nearly at equal distances between the equator and the summer tropic which passes by Syene; for Syene is 5000 stadia [north] of Meroe. They are the first2 for whom the whole [constellation] of the Lesser Bear is comprised within the Artic Circle, and to whom it is always visible. For the bright and most southern star, at the tip of the tail, is here contained within the Arctic Circle, and appears to touch the horizon.

The Arabian Gulf lies eastward parallel to the said meridian. Its egress3 into the Exterior Ocean is [in the same latitude as] the Cinnamon Country, the place where anciently they used to hunt the elephants. The parallel of the Cinnamon Country on the one side4 passes a little south of Tapro- bana, or perhaps over its southern extremity; and on the other side5 over the most southern parts of Libya.6

1 Now Gherri, on the banks of the Nile.

2 i. e. they are the most southern of those for whom, &c.

3 Bab-el-mandeb, The Gate of Tears.

4 The east.

5 The west.

6 This passage proves that in Strabo's opinion the continent of Africa did not extend so far south as the equator.

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