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[528a] Or are you speaking to neither, but chiefly carrying on the discussion for your own sake,1 without however judging any other who may be able to profit by it?” “This is the alternative I choose,” he said, “that it is for my own sake chiefly that I speak and ask questions and reply.” “Fall back2 a little, then,” said I; “for we just now did not rightly select the study that comes next3 after geometry.” “What was our mistake?” he said. “After plane surfaces,” said I, “we went on to solids in revolution before studying them in themselves.

1 Cf. Charm. 166 D, Phaedo 64 C, Soph. 265 A, Apol. 33 A.

2 ἄναγε is a military term. Cf. Aristoph.Birds 383, Xen.Cyr. vii. 1.45, iii. 3. 69.

3 ἑξῆς Cf. Laches 182 B.

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