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In the intervening space, a branch of the river Astaboras1 discharges itself. It has its source in a lake, and empties part of its waters [into the bay], but the larger portion it contributes to the Nile. Then follow six islands, called Latomiæ,2 after these the Sabaïtic mouth,3 as it is called, and in the inland parts a fortress built by Suchus.4 Then a lake called Elæa, and the island of Strato;5 next Saba6 a port, and a hunting-ground for elephants of the same name. The country deep in the interior is called Tenessis. It is occupied by those Egyptians who took refuge from the government of Psammitichus.7 They are surnamed Sembritæ,8 as being strangers. They are governed by a queen, to whom also Meroë, an island in the Nile near these places, is subject. Above this, at no great distance, is another island in the river, a settlement occupied by the same fugitives. From Meroë to this sea is a journey of fifteen days for an active person.

Near Meroë is the confluence of the Astaboras,9 the Astapus,10 and of the Astasobas with the Nile.

1 Tacazze, which however does not appear to have such a branch.

2 These islands are to the north of Arkiko.

3 Gulf of Matzua.

4 From the position here assigned to the fortress of Suchus, it is impossible to place it at Suachem, as is commonly done. Gossellin.

5 An island Stratioton is mentioned in Pliny vi. 29, as though he had read in our author the word στρατιωτῶν, ‘the island of soldiers.’ As the island of Strato is named only in this extract from Artemidorus, we might be tempted to correct the text of Strabo by the text of Pliny. But as it is not certain that the two authors speak of one and the same island, it is more prudent to make no change. Du Theil.

6 I am not acquainted with this place. The ancients speak only of one town of the name of Saba (c. iv. § 19). Was there a town Saba which gave its name to the Sabaïtic Gulf? but the one in question does not appear to have been situated there. Gossellin.

7 B. C. 658.

8 The modern Senaar corresponds with the territory of the Sembritæ. See also b. xvii. c. i. § 2. Herodotus, b. ii. 30.

9 Tacazze.

10 The Blue Nile.

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