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[507] frequently throwing their shells very near us, but without injury. These two batteries were withdrawn to a less hazardous position, after night, and replaced before light the next morning, (Friday, the twenty-seventh.) In the early part of Friday, I was invited by Colonel Lee to reconnoitre, with him, the enemy's position immediately in our front, where they were busily engaged on an advance line of works, with a view to stop their operations; after which, it was determined that I should advance one section of horse artillery to our extreme picket line, a little to the right of our position, to cooperate with other pieces which Colonel Lee would post on our left. I was to be ready, and to open as soon as the firing on my left commenced. I requested Captain Kirkpatrick to take two of his howitzers, with their detachments, to the point of the field determined on, and I accompanied them. His pieces were immediately put in position, just below the crest of the hill, and loaded. Very soon the signal on our left was heard, when the Captain gave the order, and the firing commenced with energy, and the working parties were driven from their position. Immediately the enemy opened upon us with batteries at four different points, after the working parties were driven off. Our fire was aimed at one of their batteries, and kept up until the limbers were emptied of ammunition, when the firing ceased for a very short time for the caisson to be brought up, which was soon done, and the firing resumed with vigor, and kept up until the men were much exhausted, when I requested the Captain to cease firing, and let his men sit down below the crest of the hill and rest. During this whole time, they were under a heavy fire from the four batteries before referred to, and I take pleasure in saying of all officers and men, that they did their duty well. For further particulars of the operations of this company, and results to them, I refer you to the accompanying statement of Captain Kirkpatrick.

The position occupied by Captain Page's battery was peculiarly trying, being under a hot fire during part of Thursday afternoon, and on Friday, without being able to return it at all.

I was fully satisfied with the conduct of all the officers and men; and for further particulars of their operations, I refer you to the accompanying statement of Captain Page. Friday afternoon, I was asked by Colonel Lee for one rifle gun, to cooperate with others, to try the enemy's position; and I sent the rifle gun of Captain Huckstep's battery, under charge of Lieutenant Massie, to whose report, herewith, I refer you for particulars. This gun, in that skirmish, was well managed and served in every particular.

Saturday we retained our former position without engaging in what took place near by, but being under fire part of the time.

Sunday morning, we were early on the field, and late in the day advanced with the division toward Fair Oak Station, on the York River Railroad. There I was ordered by Colonel Lee to follow on with the reserve, at a safe distance from the centre of General McLaws's division: doing this, we staid that night near the General's command, on the Williamsburg road.

Monday morning, we were ordered to march for Allen's farm, on James River, by the way of the Darbytown road, and I was ordered to halt my command about two miles short of Allen's farm, which was done. My encampment, that night, was on Robertson's farm, called Camp Holly.

On Wednesday, July second, I was ordered to take all the rifle guns of my command to the front, where we remained until the afternoon, when we were ordered back to camp with them. There we staid until Friday, the fourth, when we were ordered back to this point.

I cannot too fully express my thanks for, and appreciation of, the conduct, on the occasion referred to, of Surgeon J. R. Page, Assistant Surgeons Perrin and Hopkins; also, Lieutenant Massie, and my young Aid, W. R. Jones. These gentlemen all did much to excite grateful thanks.

With gratitude to God for his protection and care, I respectfully submit this report.

W. R. Nelson, Major, commanding Battalion.

Report of Major Richardson.

headquarters Second battalion Pendleton's artillery corps, camp near Richmond, July 12, 1862.
General: In obedience to your order of the eleventh instant, requiring me to furnish you with a report, showing the operations of my command from the twenty-sixth ultimo to the present time, I have the honor to submit the following, with the accompanying reports of the captains of the several batteries in my battalion, which will more explicitly give the information you desire, as I was necessarily separated from portions of my command at different times during the occurrences therein named:

You are aware that, for about twelve days previous to the twenty-sixth ultimo, I had been on outpost service, with two of my batteries, on the Mechanicsville road, near the Chickahominy River, and that my other battery (Captain Woolfolk's) was on duty at Price's farm, under Colonel Lee, chief of artillery General Magruder's division, with whom it remained until the morning of the third instant, when relieved by you, and ordered to my camp. The batteries of Captain Davidson (two three-inch rifles, two six-pounder smooth bores, and two twelve-pounder howitzers) and Captain Masters (two four-pounder rifles) were assigned, temporarily, to my command by Brigadier-General J. R. Anderson, on the afternoon of the twenty-fifth ultimo.

On the morning of the twenty-sixth ultimo, General 1). H. Hill, whose division had moved up near my camp during the previous night, sent for me, and informed me that our troops would cross the river at that point during the day, and that I was expected to cover the passage, and that he would indicate the moment when I should open fire upon the works of the enemy just opposite. He desired to know the number, calibre,

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