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[600] without injury. Brigadier-General Robertson's command was held in reserve, of which the Twelfth regiment had not yet arrived, being detained by the artillery. The streams — Cedar Run and Rappahannock — were in my rear, and the former was reported already swimming, and the rain still continued. This cavalry had had a long march without intermission, and being the greater part of the cavalry of the army, its return without delay was necessary. These considerations determined me to leave before daylight with what had been accomplished. I accordingly retired by the same route. As day dawned I found, among the great number of prisoners, Pope's field Quartermaster, Major Goulding, and ascertained that the chief Quartermaster and Pope's Aid-de-camp, (Colonel L. H. Marshall,) narrowly escaped the same fate. The men of the command had secured Pope's uniform, his horses and equipments money chests, and a great variety of uniforms and personal baggage; but what was of peculiar value was the despatch book of General Pope, which contained information of great importance to us, throwing light upon the strength, movements, and designs of the enemy, and disclosing General Pope's own views against his ability to defend the line of the Rappahannock. These and many others, to which it is needless now to refer, were transmitted to the commanding General at the time, and no copies were kept by me.

The number of the enemy's killed we had no means of ascertaining. Our own loss in killed, wounded, and missing was slight — a circumstance affording peculiar reason for congratulation under the extraordinary circumstances surrounding the enterprise. Over three hundred prisoners, of whom a large number were officers, were marched safely within our lines at Warrenton Springs, on the twenty-third of August, where General Jackson was found constructing a bridge. My command remained that night on the north bank in bivouac, and the next day recrossed to the south bank, General Jackson's crossing at that point having been abandoned. During the twenty-third, some severe skirmishing with artillery took place, in which the Second Virginia cavalry, Colonel Munford, (Robertson's brigade,) suffered to some extent. The brigades, after recrossing the Rappahannock, took position between Jefferson and Amissville, the main portion of the army being now between the two rivers.

I feel bound to accord to the officers and men, collectively, engaged in this expedition, unqualified praise for their good conduct, under circumstances where their discipline, fortitude, endurance, and bravery stood such an extraordinary test. The horseman, who, at his officer's bidding, without questioning, leaps into unexplored darkness, knowing nothing except that there is certain danger ahead, possesses the highest attribute of patriot-soldier. It is a great source of pride to me to command a division of such men. I append a map, containing that portion of the country embraced in this report drawn by Captain W. W. Blackford, corps of engineers. I am greatly indebted to my staff for valuable services rendered. They were, without exception, prompt and indefatigable. Subsequent events have shown what a demoralizing effect the success of this expedition had upon the army of the enemy — shaking their confidence in a general who had scorned the enterprise and ridiculed the courage of his adversaries, and it compelled him to look to his communications, and make heavy detachments from his main body to protect them. It inflicted a mortifying disaster upon the General himself in the loss of his personal baggage and part of his staff.

Appended will be found a list of casualties.

Most respectfully, your obedient servant,

J. E. B. Stuart, Major-General, commanding.

Memoranda of operations of Major-General J. E. B. Stuart Second battle of Manassas, or Groveton.

Tuesday, August 26, 1862.--General Stuart overtook General Jackson at Gainesville, at four o'clock P. M., and that night Bristoe Station was attacked, General Stuart keeping on General Jackson's right flank, between him and Warrenton Junction.

Night of Tuesday, August 26, 1862.--General Stuart took General Trimble's brigade of infantry, and a part of his cavalry, and went from Bristoe to Manassas Depot.

Wednesday, August 27.--General Stuart made an attack on Manassas Depot at daylight, and captured eight pieces of artillery, with horses, harness, all complete, and immense stores of all kinds. General Jackson, and part of his command, came up at noon (twelve M.) of that day, and fought Taylor's (Federal) brigade coming from the direction of Union Mills, in which fight General Taylor (Federal) was mortally wounded. In the mean time, General Ewell was attacked at Bristoe Station, and toward night retired upon Manassas, Colonel Rosser protecting his (Ewell's) right flank, and bringing up his rear to Manassas, with his cavalry regiment. The cavalry was picketing and scouting in every direction that day and night. General Fitzhugh Lee was sent that day with a portion of his command on an expedition beyond Fairfax Court-House, in which he went to Burke's Station, and there captured prisoners, stores, &c.

Night of Wednesday, August 27.--After destroying everything at Manassas, (stores, &c.,) the army started for the Stone Bridge, a portion going by the way of Centreville, the cavalry being so disposed as to cover this movement, Colonel Rosser forming the rear guard to General A. P. Hill's division.

Thursday, August 28.--On the morning of this day, (the army facing toward Groveton, Colonel Rosser's cavalry being on our left flank and front,) a portion of the cavalry, stationed on our right flank as videttes, kept watch of the enemy's movements, with orders to report to General Jackson. General Stuart, with portions of Robertson's and F. Lee's brigades, (under General Robertson,) marched for Haymarket, keeping

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