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837. The following participles of manner are used in peculiar senses: φέρων, hastily; φερόμενος, with a rush; ἀνύσας, quickly; κατατείνας, earnestly; διατεινάμενος and διατεταμένος, with all one's might; φθάσας, before (anticipating); λαθών, secretly; ἔχων, continually; κλαίων, to one's sorrow; χαίρων, with impunity (to one's joy). E.g. Εἰς τοῦτο φέρων περιέστησε τὰ πράγματα, “he rapidly brought things to such a pass.” AESCHIN. iii. 82. Ὡς ἐσέπεσον φερόμενοι ἐς τοὺς Ἕλληνας οἱ Μῆδοι, “when the Persians fell upon the Greeks with a rush.” HDT. vii. 210.So οἰχήσεσθαι φερομένην κατὰ ῥοῦν, PLAT. Rep. 492 C. “Ἄνοιγ᾽ ἀνύσας τὸ φροντιστήριον,” “make haste and open the thinking-shop.” AR. Nub. 181. Κατατείνας ἐρῶ τὸν ἄδικον βίον ἐπαινῶν, “I will speak earnestly in praise of the unjust life.” PLAT. Rep. 358 D: so 367 B. See Rep. 474 A, and XEN. Mem. iv. 2, 23. Εἶτ᾽ ἀνέῳξας με φθάσας, then you opened it (the door) before I could knock. Plut. 1102: so ὅς μ᾽ ἔβαλε φθάμενος, Il. v. 119; but in such expressions ἔφθη βαλών etc. (887) is more common. Ἀπὸ τείχεος ἄλτο λαθών, “he leaped from the wall secretly.” Il. xii. 390: cf. λήθουσά μ᾽ ἐξέπινες, SOPH. Ant. 532; here again ἔλαθον with the participle is more common (see 893). “Τί κυπτάζεις ἔχων;” “ why do you keep poking about?” AR. Nub. 509. Κλαίων ἅψει τῶνδε, “you will lay hands on them to your sorrow.” EUR. Her. 270: so SOPH. Ant. 754. Οὔ τι χαίρων ἐρεῖς, “you shall not speak with impunity.” Id. O.T. 363; so Ant. 759. Τοῦτον οὐδεὶς χαίρων ἀδικήσει. PLAT. Gorg. 510 D. Compare ταξαμένους, according to agreement, Id. Rep. 416 E.

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hide References (2 total)
  • Commentary references to this page (2):
    • William Watson Goodwin, Commentary on Demosthenes: On the Crown, 271
    • William Watson Goodwin, Commentary on Demosthenes: On the Crown, 82
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