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1997. Several verbs signifying to say are also used as verbs of will and then mean command. The agent commanded usually stands in the accusative subject of the infinitive. So with λέγω, εἶπον, φράζω, φωνῶ. Thus ““λέγω σ᾽ ἐγὼ δόλῳ Φιλοκτήτην λαβεῖνI say that thou shalt take Philoctetes by craftS. Ph. 101, ““τούτοις ἔλεγον πλεῖνI told them that they should sailD. 19.150, ““πάντες ἔλεγον τοὺς τούτων ἄρξαντας δοῦναι δίκηνall said that the ringleaders should suffer punishmentX. A. 5.7.34, εἶπον τὴν θύρα_ν κεκλεῖσθαι they commanded that the door should be shut (and stay shut) X. H. 5.4.7, βασιλεὺς ἔγραψε πά_σα_ς τὰ_ς ἐν τῇ Ἑλλάδι πόλεις αὐτονόμους εἶναι the king issued a written order that all the cities in Greece should be independent (not: wrote that they were independent) X. H. 6.3.12.

a. The agent may stand in the dative as ““χαλᾶν λέγω σοιI bid thee let goS. O. C. 840.

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