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380. Meanings of the Tenses and Moods.—In the synopsis (382) meanings are given wherever these are not dependent on the use of the various forms in the sentence. The meanings of the subjunctive and optative forms and the difference between the tenses can be learned satisfactorily only from the syntax. Some of these meanings may here be given:

a. Subjunctive: λύ_ωμεν or λύ_σωμεν let us loose, (ἐὰ_ν) λύ_ω or λύ_σω (if) I loose, (ἵνα) γράφω (that) I may write.

b. Optative: (εἴθε) λύ_οιμι or λύ_σαιμι (would) that I may loose! (εἰ) λύ_οιμεν or λύ_σαιμεν (if) we should loose.

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