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946. In lively discourse the form of a verb signifying to do, speak, come, go, etc., may be omitted for brevity. The ellipsis is often unconscious and it is frequently uncertain what is to be supplied to complete the thought. Thus, τί ἄλλο (scil. ἐποίησαν) ἐπεβούλευσαν; what else did they do except plot against us? T. 3.39, οὐδὲν ἄλλο (scil. ποιῶν) πόλιν τὴν αὑτοῦ ἀπολείπων doing nothing else except leaving his native city 2. 16, ἵνα τί (scil. γένηται); to what purpose? D. 19.257, περὶ μὲν τούτου κατὰ σχολήν (scil. λέξω) about this by and by 24. 187, μή μοί γε μύ_θους (scil. λέξητε) none of your legends for me! Ar. Vesp. 1179, ἀλλ᾽ (σκέψασθε) ἕτερον but consider another point L. 13.79, φίλε Φαῖδρε, ποῖ δὴ (scil. εἶ) καὶ πόθεν (scil. ἥκεις); my dear Phaedrus whither, I beg of you, are you going and whence do you come? P. Phae. 227a, οὐκ ἐς κόρακας (scil. ἐρρήσεις); will you not be off to the crows? Ar. Nub. 871, πρός σε (scil. ἱκετεύω) γονάτων I entreat thee by thy knees E. Med. 324. Cp. 1599.

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