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1573. Usually an adjective, pronoun, or pronominal adjective is treated as a neuter substantive. Cp. ““μεγάλ᾽ ἁμαρτάνεινto commit grave errorsD. 5.5 with μέγιστα ἁμαρτήματα ἁμαρτάνουσι P. G. 525d. The singular adjective is used in certain common phrases in prose, but is mainly poetical; the plural is ordinarily used in prose.

ἡδὺ γελᾶν poet. (= ἡδὺν γέλωτα γελᾶν) to laugh sweetly, μέγα (ψεῦδος) ψεύδεται he is a great liar, ““μέγα φρονήσα_ς ἐπὶ τούτῳhighly elated at thisX. A. 3.1.27, μεῖζον φρονεῖ he is too proud 5. 6. 8, ““τὰ τῶν Ἑλλήνων φρονεῖνto be on the side of the GreeksD. 14.34, ““μέγιστον ἐδύναντοhad the greatest influenceL. 30.14, ““δεινὰ ὑβρίζεινto maltreat terriblyX. A. 6.4.2, ““ταὐτὰ ἐπρεσβεύομενwe fulfilled our mission as ambassadors in the same wayD. 19.32, τί βούλεται ἡμῖν χρῆσθαι; what use does he wish to make of us? X. A. 1.3.18 (= τίνα βούλεται χρεία_ν χρῆσθαι, cp. χρῆσθαί τινι χρείαν P. L. 868b).

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