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2064. Cause.—““Παρύσατις . . . ὑπῆρχε τῷ Κύ_ρῳ, φιλοῦσα αὐτὸν μᾶλλον τὸν βασιλεύοντα ἈρταξέρξηνParysatis favoured Cyrus because she loved him more than she did Artaxerxes the kingX. A. 1.1.4, ““ἀπείχοντο κερδῶν αἰσχρὰ νομίζοντες εἶναιthey held aloof from gains because they thought them disgracefulX. M. 1.2.22, τί γὰρ δεδιότες σφόδρα οὕτως ἐπείγεσθε; for what are you afraid of, that you are so desperately in haste? X. H. 1.7.26.

a. τί μαθών what induced him to (lit. having learned what?), τί παθών what possessed him to (lit. having experienced what?) are used with the general sense of wherefore? in direct (with τι in indirect) questions expressing surprise or disapprobation; as τί μαθόντες ἐμαρτυρεῖτε ὑ_μεῖς; what put it into your heads to give evidence? D. 45.38, τί παθόντε λελάσμεθα; what possessed us to forget? Λ 313. Cp. τί βουλόμενος.

b. τί ἔχων; what's the matter with you? (lit. having what?

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  • Cross-references to this page (1):
    • Jeffrey A. Rydberg-Cox, Overview of Greek Syntax, Verbs: Mood
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