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[391] “ἄλλως .. πέλεται”, ‘in a very different way does my spear prove its edge.’ The use of “ἄλλως” in the very similar 20.99 (see next note) is different; compare note on 9.699. Here it means ‘differently from the weaklings.’ This line gives a clear case of εἴ κε with subj. in a general sense = whenever, cf. 3.25, 12.302, where, however, the generality is limited by its use in a simile, since the poet has a special instance vividly before him. In 1.166 (where see note), Od. 11.159 the late form “ἤν” is wrong. There seems to be no other clear case of “εἴ κε” except in reference to some particular expected event (M. and T. § 468, H. G. § 292 b).

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